Rijish Ganguly

Welcome to my website. I am Rijish. People call me Rivs/Rij.

Industrial sectors I am interested in are - civil engineering and infrastructure development, education, food and entertainment, and fin-tech. I strongly care about accessibility to quality education for everyone. Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on ideas related to the above mentioned sectors. You can reach me at rijish45@bu.edu.

I recently graduated from the Advanced Management Programme for Infrastructure (AMPI) at ISB . I went to graduate school at Duke University where I studied computer engineering and financial economics. Before that, I completed my bachelor’s degree from Boston University where I double-majored in electrical and computer engineering. My current academic interests are software-systems, machine-learning and finance .

I have a penchant for technology, finance and movies.


Project Co-ordinator

We specialize in heavy construction including national and state highways and bridges. Responsible for supervising and managing project sites for government clients including NHAI, NHIDCL, and MoRTH. Our turnover for the last financial year was $25 million.

January 2020 - Present

Data Science Intern

Rhodes Information Initiative

Analyzed threat intelligence data to identify trends and patterns of attacks on a university network. Collaborated alongside security and IT professionals in analyzing data to discern patterns and figure out how universities are attacked by black-hats. Generated features from honeypot data and implemented several machine learning models to classify attacks and types of honeypots including Logistic Regression, KNN, and Random Forest. Click this link to learn more about the project.

Skills - Python, PostgreSQL, Numpy, Pandas, PySpark, Scikit-learn, GeoPandas, Cufflinks and Plotly.

May 2019 - August 2019

Software Engineering Practicum


Worked on developing an Android mobile app that interfaces with Skylight - the web service of Allumia , allowing authorized users to upload lighting audit information, and to display a Skylight generated upgrade proposal and contract documentation. Responsible for the back-end development of the application, API-testing and overall system testing. Led scrum meetings and presentations to the client.

Skills - Java, GSON, PostgreSQL,Firebase and Android SDK.

January 2019 - May 2019

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Duke University

Responsible for leading labs, recitation sections and grading assignments for 50 students.

September 2018 - Present

Teaching Assistant

Boston University

Responsible for leading labs, recitation sections and grading assignments for 200 students.

January 2016 - May 2018



Indian School of Business

Advanced Management Programme (Executive)
Infrastructure and Real Estate
April 2022 - May 2023

Duke University

Master of Science in ECE
Computer Engineering - Software Systems

Additional coursework in Financial Economics

August 2018 - May 2020

Boston University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering - Double Major

Graduated cum laude

September 2014 - May 2018


Programming Languages


About Me

During my undergraduate years, I aspired to be a versatile engineer as I was fascinated by both software and hardware engineering. Hence, I decided to pursue a double major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. Apart from engineering, I enjoy learning about finance and investment strategies. My academic interests lie at the intersection of finance and computer science. I am a huge fan of MOOCs and spend considerable amount of time on Coursera, edX, Udacity and Udemy.

I am a cinephile and I love to binge on new movies and TV shows. Breaking Bad is my favorite TV show closely followed by The Game of Thrones and Succession. I love connecting with new people, discussing tech and finance, and critiquing new TV shows. In my free time, I like to play squash and table-tennis.

Awards & Honors



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Rainfall Simulation using Pthreads

In this assignment, I worked with my partner to implement a sequential problem to solve a problem and then created a parallel version using pthreads. The problem was to simulate rainfall falling on a 2-D landscape. Our program performed time step simulation, simulating what happens across the 2D landscape in each timestep as rain drops fall onto the points, trickle to lower elevation points, and get absorbed into the ground.

Github Code

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Beta of Bitcoin

This project seeked to estimate the Beta of Bitcoin with respect to three different portfolios and answer the question whether we should include bitcoin as part of our investment portfolio using Markowitz Portfolio Optimization.

Github Code

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Thread-Safe Malloc

For this project, I implemented two versions of thread-safe malloc and free using the best-fit memory allocation policy

Github Code

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Rover Taxi-App

For this project, I created a simple version of a ride-sharing app using the Django web-framework and postgresql in the back-end and HTML5, CSS3 and Booststrap 3 in the front-end

Github Code

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Exchange Matching Server

For this project, I designed a server which is capable of matching buy and sell orders for a stock/commodities market using C++, multi-threading programming techniques and postgresql.

Github Code

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Mini Command Shell

For this project, I implemented a simple command shell capable of executing basics commands and programs using C++ and basic data structures. The shell also supports set, export, cd and inc commands.

Github Code

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Socket Programming

The objective of this project was to implement the Hot-Potato game using multiple TCP connections. Utilizes the select system call to monitor different file descriptors.

Github Code

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In this assignment, I implemented a portion of Rootkit functionality to gain hands-on practice with kernel programming, a detailed understanding of the operation of system calls within the kernel, practice with fork/exec to launch child processes.

Github Code

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United Parcel Service - UPS

For this project, I implemented a “mini-UPS” (a shipping website) in a team of two and made it work with a "mini-Amazon" system.

Github Code

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